The See, Build & Peg Learning System

When I first started learning JavaScript, I may as well have jumped straight into machine learning. The outcome was the same.  Deep. Dire. Confusion.

I believed clicking on the ‘reveal solution’ or Codecademy ‘provide hint’ button would eventually become unnecessary. But as the weeks and months went by, my frustration grew.

  • I was still clicking the provide hint button
  • I still copy-pasted most of the code I “wrote”
  • My only projects were course projects 
  • Heck if ChatGPT existed back then I would have prompted the “*** out of it. 

And this scientifically charts my confusion vs frustration ratio:

The "See, Build & Peg" learning system

If you have a similar chart, this series is for YOU. It doesn’t matter if your chart has a timeframe of 1-3 months only, or 5 -10 years ( not an uncommon story ). 

The GREAT news is your story has to start here: in the midst of frustration. It has to begin with DEEP.DIRE.CONFUSION.

Why? It’s the seeds for growth. It’s where knowledge trees grow their roots. 

This is the system I used to break-through my JavaScript struggles. It’s what I teach students of The Great Sync, and how I coach junior developers in my team.

It has 3 parts:

  1. See the Model
  2. Build the Sand Castle
  3. Peg the Washing

I have also included a full Roadmap to JavaScript Engineer in 2024, to help you navigate the learning process.

Hope it helps you - be sure to let me know if it does.


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