When I first started learning JavaScript, I may as well have jumped straight into machine learning. The outcome was the same. Deep. Dire. Confusion.
I believed clicking on the ‘reveal solution’ or Codecademy ‘provide hint’ button would eventually become unnecessary. But as the weeks and months went by, my frustration grew.
And this scientifically charts my confusion vs frustration ratio:
If you have a similar chart, this series is for YOU. It doesn’t matter if your chart has a timeframe of 1-3 months only, or 5 -10 years ( not an uncommon story ).
The GREAT news is your story has to start here: in the midst of frustration. It has to begin with DEEP.DIRE.CONFUSION.
Why? It’s the seeds for growth. It’s where knowledge trees grow their roots.
This is the system I used to break-through my JavaScript struggles. It’s what I teach students of The Great Sync, and how I coach junior developers in my team.
It has 3 parts:
I have also included a full Roadmap to JavaScript Engineer in 2024, to help you navigate the learning process.
Hope it helps you - be sure to let me know if it does.